JT no the face is not the local lord, that is the typical stylized version of Odin (Norse God of War) found on sword scabbard chapes, helmets, brooches etc in Viking age / Anglo Saxon artifacts. Just a cool face I particularly like. Not sure it’s the exact of the historical finds, just from memory.

Larb The thought behind the harbor entrance was that at first the walled city used the difficult passage as a bit of deterent, but that the lower passageway also allowed a less dangerous approach as a by pass and the ship building / trade increase anyway. I would think that the lords protection would be more important than using another location within a close distance (of course we will always have port of call completion ). I’ve not really built an indepth back story atm. But I might LOL

Arsheesh Thanks, everything I do is an experiment! I never truly know how they will turn out. Many a file 13 has occurred.