Hi guys just joined and this is my first post, I have been looking through the posts here and thought that this is the place to posit some questions about my first attempt at World Building. I am going to be running my first D&D game and might have dreamed too big by wanting to create the world, I have created the continent through a Tile placement world builder and saved the image in order to do topography in my Photoshop program. I use Coral Paintshop Pro X8 and am not too familiar with it quite yet. Any advice on how to build the terrain? I have been trying to use the different tools to create a good looking terrain but just am not getting what I want out of it. Issues I'm having is with the paint the separate colors have too hard of edges, the natural flow of the land is something I'm looking at with other pictures, Mountain terrain and how to properly convey elevation differences..... Probably stuff I should just not worry about and just label the map I have and leave it up to pictures and description. It's hard to do that though and I keep finding myself in the program for hours only to delete what work I do out of frustration. Any advice is welcome and thanks for having me.