I drew this earlier this year, its the 2nd country-scale map I have drawn...
The inspiration for the coastline was some ripped poster paper remains on a wall (I have a whole file of similar photos waiting for the time to be brought to life)
The mountains I wanted to do in a contour lines type style, but abstracted a bit and shaded so they made more sense visually
Kingdom of lamrooka.jpgKingdom of lamrooka paper.jpg
It was a lot of fun to create and I have since drawn one of the little coastal villages in the SW, Creekton, and also a couple of the locations within and near Creekton. At the time I had grand dreams of drawing a city/town/village map of every location in the kingdom... I might have gone a bit overboard... there are over a 100... That might be a bit of a tall task - would take the rest of my life!