I agree Alberta is gorgeous it has such a diverse landscape. Everything from mountains, exposed canadian shield, badlands, prairies, foothills as well as part of the cypress hills that have pretty old rock because they're like this elevated 'island' area that missed out on getting carved away by ice/water. Super unique bit of landscape.

Yes Lake... Agassiz was massive. I think its actually possible to visit and see the old shoreline of that lake.
I Imagine that it would have made a huge difference to general topology in the region, especially when everything drained out of it. It would probably have smoothed out a bunch of the uneven mixture that got dumped by the glaciers that form the little baby lakes and sloughs that litter the landscape.

I often get stuck up on big things like plate tectonics when thinking about topography/geology also to a lesser extent I'll consider water erosion in a world but in northern regions the effects of glaciers thousands of years ago can effect things so much. wind erosion is something I overlook too. we have quite a few cases of sand dunes here that have since been colonized/stabilized by plants that form undulating gentle hills that are now mostly pine forests. (Because of their good drainage and lack of nutrients). I don't know why but I'm really inspired to refine some of my fantasy world maps with this in mind.

As for Saskatoon itself its a really pretty city. The bridges at its core are very unique aside from the very utilitarian ones that have been built much more recently. I do enjoy visiting there. I have been stuck there myself a couple times due to snow storms.