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Thread: Siberia, the planet.

  1. #1

    Map Siberia, the planet.

    Siberia, is a planet named exactly as Siberia, the region from Russia because it's a planet with a very low temperature. The equator temperature is around 12 degrees celsius and in the polar region from 0 to -50 degrees celsius.

    The map's resolution is 4096x2048, so i will give a smaller size like 720x360, a few detailed and a render on a sphere.

    sberia sample 1.png siberia small.png Siberia render.png

    Note: I actually used a part of Earth's map in this, that included Siberia.

    This is my first map so... opinions?
    Last edited by Planetmaker; 04-23-2017 at 03:26 PM.

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