I am a little reluctant to post up the original PSD, however I am not opposed to uploading increased resolution versions, if anyone wants really wants them. The only reason I didn't post these up at 100px = 1 inch scale is because the maps were only intended for VTT play, where the use of lower resolution maps is generally more beneficial as it drives less of a bandwidth issue when transferring to players. Under Fantasy Grounds the maps are rendered with either a 33px or 50px grid size, in 90% of the time, the 33px grid size is perfectly workable and the quality not to bad.

NeonKnight also makes an interesting point. I have not been approached by anyone with a complaint yet, specifically either from the original cartographer or Wizards however thats not to say its not a possibility and that one day I maybe asked to C&D. I would hope that does not occur as I am not seeking to personally profit from these maps, simply enable D&D play via online with the usual benefits of real world round table play. Its for this reason I will only post up the players versions and not the DM marked up versions, for this I insist users go buy the official modules.