You might think that it is a little late for Christmas and you'd be right... and wrong. Christmas, the holiday season, is over but Christmas was only the middle of the great epic called Life and Redemption.

It is like picking up the Lord of the Rings and reading only the point when Frodo comes to Rivendell, and then putting the book away. You miss why Frodo came there and what he had to do afterward!

I did start this project before Christmas but lost the free time to work on it, then once the season was over I was a little slow to get it over with. I wanted to highlight the Messianic prophecies behind the birth of Jesus, as well as dispel some common misconceptions.

You can read more on my blog where I explain the images and inspiration for this project: https://elderlycartographer.wixsite....y-illustration

Nativity Illustration.png

What do you think?