I suppose you could not worry about drawing an actual map, and instead read over your notes and other material. Then just draw a square for one of the main countries/peoples. Following that, place additional squares in relation to the others based on what your relationship notes say. Maybe use bigger squares for larger nations. Or rectangles if it's a long narrow country. Likewise, if a city in one square has a river running through it, make a note of that. If one country is supposed to have mountains in the east, note that on the left side of that country's square.

And so on. You will likely get some conflicting material but that is good because you know what details you need to iron out.

The end result should give and idea of where each country is going to go. It will tell you that a river runs through certain parts of the map, that mountains are in another part. After that you are just filling in the blanks and making it into an actual map. Drawing proper coastlines, finishing the courses of rivers, completing the mountains, etc etc.

I think that is what I would do.