I don't see either of the base shapes anywhere... And the image looks like a very grainy close up photo of something very rusty. It's full of what looks like rendering errors. I'm not familiar with the software you're using, so I can't advise on how to deal with the issue. It could be a number of things: low sample count, inappropriate use of materials, compression; all sorts of software limitations and glitches as well.

Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
I don't really know how to make the program actually do things so I just took what it gave me after crashing the program like 50 times.
Perhaps use the tools you're familiar with to clean up the texture? I would also color correct the image to separate the land from water layer. If you look at the thumbnail of the map they blend together, and it's not helping the map's readability.

I fooled around with adding some height map numbers but heh, I'm a little out of my depth.
I strongly recommend using fonts instead of hand drawn numbers on a heavily textured map. I would also simplify a lot; don't be afraid to get rid of a few levels of detail if they're making the map hard to read. If you feel out of your depth, try drawing this map with a pencil on paper. Sometimes going back to basic tools can help establish what your work really needs and gives you a clearer picture of what to do next. Not sketching ideas is a very common mistake; it's like going on a trip without a plan - you'll likely end up lost.