I have to assume you're dealing with a small-ish island here, given the space between the settlements and the extend to which the ice spreads south past an area of green. If this were a much bigger landmass, that would be pretty unrealistic. But I like this map a lot. On the contrary to comment 1 for me. I prefer maps to have a consistent font. It drives me nuts trying to navigate 4 different fonts on a map. I also happen to be a big fan of the Trajan font. In the future (not with Trajan because of the font's limitations and the ugliness of it in italic) you can make your font consistent but add some variation by using Upper/Lower for cities, Upper/Small Caps for regions, Upper/Lower with italics for rivers, just as an example.

Also, I would just be patient with regard to the saving. You never know when you may need to go back and change something. I am a GIMP user, not Photoshop, but I know that trying to truncate my layers always messes with my blend modes and makes everything look funny. I try to mess with stuff when I get the look I want.