Quote Originally Posted by Wiltrichs View Post
Hi Kai,

lol yeah I agree with all of that, I think at the time I was trying to make a map for some campaign for my army, from that gaming company or something like that but never did anything with it. I'll delete them now in PS and try and come up with a better name for the world.

Are there any tips for coming up with realistic sounding fantasy worlds? There are some great ones on here.


In fact, there are:

A nice trick is to look around while mapping and taking the names of stuff from things lying around you and playing with those names unless they fit.
E.g. a manual about SQL became the patron for the elvish forest of Aes'Qulia.

Other tricks are using online translators translating words into "weird" languages such as Latin or even Sanskrit.
Btw: Looking around in German landscapes, there are a lot of "Fantasy" names as well: Schwarzwald, Vogtland, Elbmarsch. Not sure about names in other countries, though ...

Kind regards,