This month's Lite Challenge theme was "where the monsters are" or something along those lines. The idea was for participants to create a map detailing an area where monsters (any kind of monsters) were sure to be found. My idea was a park and wildlife sanctuary where fairytale creatures actually do exist.

I never worked out the logistics of how this park would actually function. I mean, how would regular people visit a monster filled park without getting devoured? Why do the monsters stay within the park boundaries and not rampage the countryside? You know... silly little questions like those. Regardless, I pressed on and was able to crank out the map you see here, albeit just before the deadline:
Crooked Ridge Park - Final.jpg

The map was created primarily in GIMP using standard tools and filters. The only other software I used was Inkscape for the various road and caution signs you see throughout. Once completed, I exported the sign graphics from Inkscape as PNG images and placed them directly onto the map.

I'm hoping that you, kind reader, will have some feedback for me. I want to know what you think works, if anything, and what doesn't. Better yet, I would love to know your suggestions on how to fix what you think is broken and/or improve what is already good. Any help you could give me would be great. Thanks in advance for your help!