Weeeellllll, now, Mister Wombat -- I think you may've misaprehended the sort of law officers we have hearabouts. Ain't no "C'mon punk, make my day", no "Book 'em Dano", and definitely no "What we have here is a FAILyuh to coMUNicate." Speakin;' solely fer m'self, of course, my tendency is more of the ""Son, ya might wanna do this, instead"... or an occasional "why don't we just set down that pen and think about this, before somebody gets hurt"?

'Sides which, 'less I'm mistaken, five years is beyond the statute of limitations for river infractions. Water under the bridge, so to speak. Proper course of action here might just be to suggest you take a peek at this little book: How to Get Your Rivers in the Right Placel. Bit of study there might save you a world of difficulty with water running uphill, oceans that don't lie flat, sideways slopes ignoring gravity. Gravity - that what you claim you don't know 'bout? Why, son, that's simple a can be. Up is where things start, by themselves, and left to themselves, down is where they wind up. And gravity - that's just earth and sky pickin' sides 'bout which way is up.

Sort of thing that white-up teaches includes stuff like "sea-to-shining-sea"... being a fine poetic expanse of territory but an improbable watercourse. Read up on it, and I doubt your wife will have any trouble at all using your cartography to sell books. :-)