Oh, I'll continue to work on mine, however, it will be changing from a dwarf fortress to a "lost" temple beneath a mountain. As for my vote, it wasn't easy (again). I liked all the maps, even though it appears that Xyll got caught in a situation similar to my own and was unable to finish. But the important part was trying in the first place, so it's still a good thing.

Euio - I agree with DJ about this map. I loved the presentation, the artsiness of it and the effects, but it wasn't quite "mappy" enough for me.
Tilt and Map Vandal - Great "dungeon" type maps that would probably fit well in any campaign. Very "mappy."
Jaxilon - This isn't the first time I've heard of dwarfs going to the sea, in fact, for one campaign I ran way back in the day, I developed a sea-faring sub-race of dwarfs who were master shipwrights. Add to that the fact that Denis McKiernan (Mithgar series) deals with a group of dwarfs manning "the sleekest and fastest sailing ship of Mithgar" and I just had to press that button. Thus, my vote is for Jaxilon's map even though, perhaps, it wasn't quite as "mappy" as it could have been.