Hi there!

Discovered this forum ages ago via the ZBB, but only just joined up recently when I decided I needed to learn how to do this stuff properly.

My main focus is getting my conworld Menducia mapped, both accurately for my own reference and in "in-world" styles.

Here's some of what I did before coming here:

General Regions [old, PSP]

Climate Map [old, PSP]

Mappa Mundi "T&O" equivalent [PSP]

...And in the last week, sonce reading some tutorials:

Shrunk version of hi-rez (9746x4873) topographic map [GIMP]

Section of the same map at 100% zoom[GIMP]

Playing with projections:
Equirectangular [GIMP]

Sinusoidal [GIMP + Hugin]

Mercator [GIMP + Hugin]