Welp, I voted for Cereth and Calydon and pulled the trigger before reading the part about voting for three. Cereth's was a happy, chaotic good kind of map. Calydon was more neutral good, but it was such a solid effort from a newcomer that I felt it really deserved my vote. Had I realized that i had three, I would have had to decide between Ascension and RobA, both of which were technical masterpieces and beautifully done. I loved some of the classic Djekspek that Djekspek put in his map, but I think he's still looking for his mark in the satellite view map. I think a hybrid overhead view with strong 3/4 perspective elements would have made his piece unbeatable.

I managed to rep everyone who competed except Djekspek before the rep fairy took away my keys and called a cab for me. I had to leave him for last because I'd repped him too recently. I'll catch you on the back side bro.