After a lot of manual stitching I got the full world Mercator map for the new gen into Photoshop where I was happy with it.

Then I started playing a bit. Here's the first result.

I'm not sure I'd do a full map in this style, but I like the effect. If I were to take it further I would flatten out the color areas for the land masses and add in some elevation lines for them.

The important part is that the full world map works in the high rez. Done playing for now, but the next step (probably tomorrow) is going to be to start figuring out an expansion and where I want 'ground zero' to be. This will end up being a steam punk inspired setting by way of generation ship SF. Think Heinlein style colonization on a planet without oil supplies. Coal will be available, but what coal does best is generate heat. That makes a good excuse for steam punk civilizations.