Great map indeed.

Thanks for comment on the earth motes - they really did look very odd but that explains it. As for the rest of the hills, I think they fit into the style. Again, I'm a big fan of the 3.5 Faerun maps so I like the style already. If anything, it's the mountains that I would disagree with. The hills are clearly representational so I have no problem with the large size. They clearly jus designate a hilly region. However this means they are much larger than the mountain ranges - that look more 'realistic'. I'm not sure that gels entirely.

I like the colour palette and the ever more watercolour nature of your work. I also love the development of the borders and compass. That's a new feature for this map - no blazing sword compass anymore? This is certainly a great map and I really like development in your style. The FR maps are in good hands. I'm really pleased that you got the job of defining the new surface of Faerun in 4e.