I agree as well, while I certainly participated in the Tilt's "who plays 4e thread", I still don't really think its directly appropriate to the CG. While I agree that a majority of members are also RPGers, I feel the CG is and must remain a site dedicated to Cartography, and that a dedicated board for RPG Discussion is outside the needs for all the members. Since some of our members are afficianados of maps, hobbyists, as well as authors looking to better describe their written places and an RPG board might alienate them so how. Plus the first 4e/Pathfinder discussion at the CG was the only thread ever locked, even at least temporarily due to one new members inappropriate posts and rude behavior - that should be an indicator that since the CG is otherwise a friendly and helpful site, adding an RPG board could introduce an unnecessary element to our site's good behavior.

I wouldn't want to see that happen again. So the odd RPG discussion in the General Forums is fine, but we don't need a dedicated board for it, IMO.