All by Robin Hobb, If you've read Assasins Quest x 3 - then continue with "Liveships" before returning to the farseers in "The Tawny man" and then back again to the "Rain Wild Cronicles" ... Soldiers Son are also good, but very different and a bit slow - the frist book there is best.
For the more gritty side of fantasy you have to read Joe Abercrombies First Law, fantastic books and the gloves are off when he writes.
An unfinshed series (but still going) are "Songs of Fire and Ice" by George R.R. Martin, really good, lots of lots of characters though, so a lot to keep track off - and don't get to attached to the characters either...
I like the Runelords multilogy also ... a great concept for "magic" in those books, where lords draw abilities from their subjects

That'll tie you over for the summer