Hi Kalvin,

This is really great! Not sure if you'll still be able to see this, but one thing that doesn't seem to work for me is the lighting effects - the lighting via channel works fine, but after setting the layer to 'overlay', the result is very different looking to your example - mainly that it's quite dark. The lighter portions look correct, as do the darker shadows, but there's no gap in between, as in it's either very dark or very light, where yours looks quite realistic. Wondering if there's a step in there that's been missed out?

Actually what I'm trying to set up is a kind of animated version of this effect using an action in photoshop - I've rendered the 'height map' part as a jpg sequence out of After Effects, which ripples around - there's a few 'unactionable' commands which are proving to be a bit of a snag at the moment, but I'm trying to work these out.