Well our world which is as yet unnamed I think is here:

and the region with all the tiles we have done called Ansium is in the top right hand side. The island on the far left top is taken too but the rest is free to map. So if your prepared to map under the CC license then you can use this map as a base and ask about mapping another bit which is completely barren at mo. I gotta tell you tho that we struggled as a group to get all of Ansium finished so if it were me Id pick a pretty small part of it.

Here is a video showing the world + Ansium and some of the smaller maps as part of it.

I'd help you out in mapping a new part of the world so far but geez, we as a whole mapping site have been at this one for a few years and I haven't the stomach to start a whole new one. I'd prefer more bits of the areas covered so far because then you can run some RPG adventures in there and get some coverage but if you have only interest in larger scale mapping then id not stop you doing some.