I'm impressed, it's so huge! How'd you come up with all these towns and names and stuff? And the colour is awesome, I'd love to try something similiar. Would you mind explaining how you did that?
How I did what? How I'd find the names? Well, this was by far the lions part of the work. I created many names in the last ten years in which I work on my world. And the rest ... if I needed a hundred new towns, I created several "???" textlayers and placed them where I wanted them to have. Then I doubleclicked each layer in the layer window and typed a few letters and word fragments... what I even could imagine... and let it sound like a city. When I was finished, I safed the map and looked on it at the next day, replacing those names I did not like anymore with new names that sound better. That's the whole story.

As for the coloring I can only say, that I'd use colors of the pastelspectrum (very low saturation, bright tones). I'd use mostly the same colors for strokes and contours (but a bit darker) - like trees with a dark green contour onto a green ground.
And, taking a closer look, I figured your names were German, which is funny cause I happen to speak some, and then I noticed you were from Essen, which is even funnier because I was born there (though moved away quickly). The world appears to be very small
Oh yes, it is. But you missed at least to live in the European Capital of Culture 2010, hehe

@ reckless & simpfan1: thanks for repping!
