Welcome to the Guild.

Hmmm....CC3 help...SOMETHING I CAN DO!

OK, to fix issues.

Move the Blood Splatters to a sheet with no Drop Shadows (Perhaps the SYMBOLS FLAT Sheet), thus you will eliminate the 'floating blood'.

For the Walls, looks like you are using two separate sheets for the walls. Put the Sheet with the INSIDE of walls lower on the list so it is drawn 'above' the outside of the walls, this will eliminate some of the wonky shadow play.

To get the shadows on your trees longer than the other shadows, place them on a new Sheet (Perhaps calling it TREES, or something). Then you can give it a longer shadow than the walls and other items.

For the path, I like to give my roads an EDGE FADE INNER effect to have them fade away as they get close to the edge.

With the boulders, use some of the other boulder symbols and place them on top of the other boulders, and change their size and angle a bit to break their shapes up a bit.

Look to the examples maps (all done with CC3) in my Signature as well as the tutorials (the Books to the left) under my Avatar. They will give insights as to how I use CC3.

ANy questions, feel free to ask.