Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post
Yep, I have. It tends to slow down play as the DM spends time fiddling with objects to make them look correct for tokens that are visible and not visible - and then a player inevitably says - there's an enemy over there! - because the DM has left a canopy off because there's an enemy token under the tree. It's more hassle than it's worth.

I thought about doing semi-transparent canopies for a while, though that still looks a little odd with the tokens on top of them. What maptools really needs is layers...
I guess I was more thinking of it as perhaps having multiple canopies on a single png and just turn on/off the whole object... For me, it would be more a matter of having them "on" during the initial approach for the ascetic values and then turn them off when it's time for actual encounters or close up movement....

So.. for example is to put all the canopy stuff on their own layers/layer groups and then export only those layers as a png and move it into place over top once you import the map itself.