Boreus is the North Wind, and Zephyros is the West Wind. The others are Notos (South) and Euros (East). Aeolus is a more general god of the winds, and the one who gave Oddyseus a bag of wind to blow him back home.

That third attempt is quite lovely. The horizontal hatching looks terrific—there's nothing at all to complain about there. As for lettering, reference and practice are the ways to get better at it. Right now your hand is very technical and clear; that's not a bad thing, and given how clean this map is I think it works. If you want to get a bit more decorative it's going to take some practice. I was never more than an indifferent calligrapher, myself, but with enough patience I can make some nice looking letters. All it takes is time and experimentation. I had pages and pages full of practice back when I had aspirations to being a calligrapher.

I really like the blotted color of the sample map you posted. I think you should try some experiments to see if you can incorporate that look into your next attempt.