I've just been thinking about this and it occurs to me that I don't particularly need a completed "finished product" GUI - I need a "start" and an occasional query answered (I think). I can write software, of a sort, as I am (or was) an Electronics Design Engineer using VHDL, not to mention that I wrote my first program in Algol (which probably dates me). However, I would need the program to be in one of the more readable and intuitiive languages like VB or VC, not cost the earth for a workbench (unlike VB or VC I guess) and not totally wierd looking - like Python (as far as I got trying to read a tutorial)....
If I had the basics of a tool bar, a cursor that could select and move things, a thingy that would let it save the setup in some form (CSV?) and another thingy to "export"/build a text output file that would be the POVray code - well - I could probably learn the rest and add all the embellishments....