The thing I thought was funny about "Wizards" was that the horses looked like Hoppity Horses with 2 legs, or as I always called them Hippity-Hops. This should bring some memories back for a few of us older folk. I don't think they actually had the horse when I wanted one of these.

@Coyotemax - Not sure what I can do about that, I wonder if that's the one thing going on here that slightly bothers me? I'm not entirely happy with they way things "fit" into the picture. It's like I don't like the square of the frame or something. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out especially since I had no real hopes for anything, but maybe you put your finger on it. There is a little blurring towards the horizon but I never did anything like that along the bottom of the page. Maybe I should have less curve on the horizon...

@Ramah - you are totally right, they had this Betty Boop type fairy wearing some kind of negligee that showed some anatomy. In her defense she was only a half fairy, LOL.

@PG - Do you mean horizontal or vertical? You said vertical I know but do you mean straight up and down? I'm thinking of doing the area labels in a curved manner to help with the shape of the overall piece, at least that's what's cooking in my head atm. That might help. I'll play around with it I guess.

@RE - Thanks very much for the complement. If I had to give a reason for improvement I would probably say it's from doing more drawing by hand, a decent scanner, and getting a regular workflow. Also, it helps knowing my way around Gimp. I really should try a tutorial since the first time I got so lost I couldn't complete it (that might bring hope to those of you out there who feel unable to get the results you want, keep at it!). There are still a number things I don't understand but they are dwindling. My hope is to have everything work seamlessly from drawing to labels. I'm getting closer to bringing the visions in my mind to the digital page and that's a lot of fun.