Thank you for the compliment Ascension. I have a pastel I did more recently of a lighthouse. I will probably get that up at some point although I think I'm still better at animals. I think there is something to my being able to feel the texture of the paper, the scratching of the pencil or chalk that just feels good to me (I've heard some artists call it "soul", I don't know though). I am finding map making to be rather different. And the digital aspects are something I'm still trying to adapt to. Hopefully, one day all my gears will come together and I will feel at home in both. One thing I have noticed doing things digitally is that I can screw around forever making little tweaks to coloring and so on. When I use a pencil or a pastel chalk it's down and done for the most part. Oh, sure, you can change a few things but you can only rework something so much before you wreck it. Not so in the digital media. I can drive myself nuts there. LOL.

And I still look at your maps and hope that I might be able to get to a skill level like that. All the details you put into them are just amazing.

Oh well, back to the drawing board, practice makes perfect, or at least better than you were yesterday.