I went for Reckless because I think it's the most technically accomplished, even if the subject matter does little for me. Wow, that sounded like a gilded insult but it's not meant to be. :s

It was a toss up really between this and Jax's for me but a few areas in J's map, namely the places where there's large amounts of blur to join elements, made me lean more towards RE.

I like Aelyn's map but the composition just seems a little awkward. Three pieces of parchment on the table but with no dynamism.

I liked Jug's idea but alas, insufficiently complete.

And although I vaguely remember the game Joust (I think there was an Atari 2600 version although this map would be FAR too detailed to work on it, hehe) , I never played it so lack of nostalgia just kicked you in the nuts I'm afraid, MV.

Goood luck to all entrants.