Greetings fellow cartographic enthusiasts. I've been playing around with mapping for fantasy environments for some 10+ years, since sometime in either junior high or high school, and have finally decided to move myself into a community of fellow mapmakers for feedback and help on my maps. Though I've been working for over ten years on one particular map, I have others I've done througout that time, but most are non-scanned drawings, and I currently have no access to a scanner.

Lately I've been working digitally, using GIMP, Photoshop, and Inkscape, but dabbling in CC3 over the past week. So far I find myself enjoying Inkscape the most, with GIMP or Photoshop, depending on my location, for touching up, but to this day, may nine-page world map remains my biggest, and favorite, project. I'll be posting it when I get a chance to do so, but for now, hello and glad to meet all of you.