Heya, thanks for trying out the tutorial! I really like what you did with it. I think the colors (aye maybe the sea is a bit purplish but that could work style-wise if you desaturate it a little) came out very good and I like the border and the finishing 'striped' texture you used. As for the handdrawn symbols, I agree that currently they don't match the style. They may work like this but now they dont blend in, so I think I would use a dark-brownish color for them and blend them in the map using a lower opacity or something (and maybe color them or give them a grey-scale value, as well. Also then you may lose some some small issues like the city on victoria island which has its tower 'in the sea'). I think I then also would do the rivers in the same color/style as the cities/trees/mountains so they match better in the overall picture. Well.. just my thoughts... And btw, gratz that you now got an old mad cartographer mage named called after you cheers!