Yeah, its easy to tell when I get busy - I'm not participating in the monthly challenge!

I definitely have more maps to make, but I've been spending my creativity developing new classes, adapting Celtic technology and lore into playable mechanics, creating new feats, spells, magic items and monsters, so yeah, I've been busy.

More news on Kaidan: a Japanese Ghost Story setting. Rite Publishing will begin final writing and development starting October 1st. Author, Jonathon McNulty of Open Design Project and Kobold Quarterly will be rewriting my hack wordsmithy into refined adventuring writing, and then work from my outline to complete the other two adventures for the intro mini adventure path. I might have to create a few more maps (15 more?) and some more illustrations, as well as have Mark Hyzer begin the second half of monsters for my Obake bestiary - he's done 24 so far. So most of the art has been created otherwise.

There is enough money left over from the patronage project to do the setting handbook, and that's it. Hopefully profits from it can pay for further development.

I've got a unique take on Ninja that borrow ideas from 2e Ninja Handbook. All ninja are born in one of the Ninja Houses of Kaidan, no one is recruited in to maintain secrecy. One begins the game as a 1st level Shinobi Monk and must progress to at least 5th level before taking the Ninja prestige class. All ninja gain ki powers that emulate spell-like powers of short duration, with several advanced ki powers. Things like unarmed strikes and combat maneuvers at distance, walking across ice and on water to running up walls or standing on ceilings upsidedown, to special attacks, defenses, and self-buffing. There three ninja paths: kata master (weapons ninja), otori master (stealth ninja), and myo master (sorcerer ninja) - to allow a level of specialization to fit wider ideas on what is a ninja, and to create teams of ninja with varied skills in the same party. I would like to create a one-shot ninja adventure that could have one or more sequels if proved popular.

Plus I'd love to do a full 6 module Adventure Path set in Kaidan as well, but I'll just have to wait and see what kind of financial success it brings.


PS: if I get some time, I may participate in another challenge in a month or two.