That's absolutely brilliant!! I've watched the vid several times and , while it's no "Casablanca" it's fascinating trying to deduce Andy's motivations!
I'm wondering ig the path "fade" time is a bit fast? As it is at the moment he may not develop multiple paths? Would I be right in assumming that a "developed" pre-trodden, path has a saving of effort for Andy?
It might also be interesting to develop "soil goodness"? Soil near water being better than further away - and maybe factor in soil usage - so that Andy might start "rotating" his crops about a bit?
I say this as he seems to have settled at the junction of 3 "natural" commodities and walks to the fourth. He plants on the path to there. If he were constrained by soil quality to plant nearer water it might open more paths?
Just my thoughts!
Speaking of which - I'd love to be able to see Andy's thoughts. Some of those God games give the little folk "thought bubbles" - Theme Park, Theme Hospital etc. A status bar at the bottom might be nice with his current "desire" factors perhaps!?
Keep up the excellent work! I may not always feel qualified to comment (most of the time probably!) but I keep coming to this thread to see if something new is showing.
Are you going to add a Mrs Andy at some point?