Quote Originally Posted by drow View Post
cool. i think both fill a clear need. i stockpile blank maps to use when i need them for a game, where i have a clear idea of what's within the dungeon but no time to draw it. random dungeons are for the rest of the time, where i have nothing planned and just need something to start with. they often evolve as the PCs hack their way through and i tweak things, and by the end may seem more like something i'd actually designed. i also stockpile finished dungeons, but use them less often than purely random dungeons. just a personal preference though, i know other DMs who thrive on them.
Well, they are pretty easy to tear out, but the re-working in the GIMP is kind of labour intensive at the moment. They don't scale exceptionally well, for one thing. I am sure I will stumble on a solution at some point.

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