Quote Originally Posted by NBC View Post
Hi. It doesn't appear this was ever resolved and I am having the exact same problem. My number of columns in my symbol catalog is stuck on 0, and I cannot get it to change. Is there any way to clear your settings and restore the program to it's initial state entirely? I've tried reinstalling but the problem seems to continue as all setting appear to be kept.
You will have to fix the issue via Windows' Registry Editor. Run RegEdit from the start menu (or hold down windows key + R accordingly)

Once this is done, look at the left hand menu and expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Next, expand Software. One done, find Evolution Computing and delete that registry entire. This will force the program to reset the next time you launch it, although all stored data will remain unchanged.

Once launched, the "Symbol Catalog" will be right as it should be by default.

I hope this helps.

P.S. Evolution Computing is the company that developed the CAD software that CC3 utilizes.