This is coming along nicely! I like the coupon idea.. Just as a thought, I've seen a similar styled map (though more cartoony) that had the coupons as a border around the entire map, that might be a thought if you're *really* dedicated (or insane) lol (then again, that's what I'd be doing so who am i to talk)

I might suggest that to make it pop more, have buildings/icons at each of the numbered spots.. you have them at a few, and to me those are the things that draw my eye. Even it's just the "Attractions" locations.

I also had a thought about the variety of fonts in use, typically you don't want to overdo it, maybe 3 at the most, but in a map like this different fonts and styles might work to your advantage, as long as they are consistent between what types of things they label (and I would toss that rule out for the ads - i've never seen fonts stay consistent between dozens of business cards, lol).