I like it!

I think it's good to go as is (but Staten Island for command? Really? ). If you want to tweak, the I'd suggest a little more work on the star field. We've got very used to glorious nebulae backdrops from games like Eve and a flat dotted star field stands a bit. If nothing else I'd throw a bit of a glow on the stars to vary them a touch from straightforward white dots. Also - the flag. Any reason for it to be the French flag?

I love the fact that you can see lady liberty in silhouette in thefull iso view - but I had to reall look for her. Is there a way of having the figurehead detail clearly pulled out from there? I was struggling to read the detail view as it was.

I like the wikipedia style entry - and I think the green wireframe schematics work really well. I'm really impressed, and even more so when you said this was done without a tablet!

Let me be the first to rep you for the first complete entry!