Not sure about the paying more than the standard customer part you wrote there. :S

Most people here are not professional by the way and do this merely for fun and as a hobby. They aren't business people.

Anyway, you are not being ignored. Your particular request is a little more specialised than most map requests on here and so it rules out many prospective artists. Me for instance. I've never created map tiles before and although I have no doubt I would be able to do it, I wouldn't even contemplate taking on a commission like this without having practiced and having work I could show first. I'm sure many others on here are the same.

And that being the case, it isn't usual for those who won't take on a commission to actually post and say they won't do. That's just cluttering up a thread for no reason. So therefore, you aren't being ignored by those people, just respectfully left with a clean thread.

Why don't you try looking for examples in the relative forums that are close to what you have in mind and then contacting those artists by PM. You need to post a few more times first before you can PM people due to anti-spam reasons.

Good luck in finding an artist.