I have sort of taken to not voting when I'm in the contest but with 3 votes to toss around I think it's ok. I don't vote for myself because well, it just doesn't feel right to me and if I loose by 1 vote I figure my entry must not have been strong enough to blow the competition away.

So, my votes went to

RJB - just a beautiful map, I think this will be really hard to beat. Nicely done. I also agree, there is something kind of creepy about it...like it's too good to be true and it scares me. Add in some Cathulhu monsters and that's a nightmare waiting to happen.
Diamond - Loved the use of the shapes and all the great looking tidbits on the map just make this fun to look at.
Krolac - Just a very clean usage of the shapes to make a nice looking map that is pretty much what we expect to see around here.

I also loved RE's map and if I could have seen some flooring or blown out computers down thru the black areas I'd have been totally sold.
Rogueleaders was gorgeous but needed a bit more mapiness to be a map, great artistic image though.
Tilt's map was great and always made me smile looking at it.

Like others have said they were all great maps and that's what is so nice to see. Everyone should be really pleased with their entries as all of them are worthy contenders.