I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but one thing you'll want to check if you're trying to just scale-up a map is making sure it's drawn correctly. I've noticed that a lot of the maps with D&D modules are at least 1/2 a square off the grid in many areas, which makes it a pain to fight on. It's gotten to the point that I just re-draw all maps for my modules to fit the grid properly.

When I do redraw them, I've set up and saved a grid of the size I want and dimensions for printing properly in photoshop (since it's a pain to draw the grid the first time, you'd might as well not have to do it again!). Then I just draw with a pencil and holding down shift (?) to get straight lines. It's a bit boring, but it's pretty fast if you're not going for a super detailed map. I suspect, however, that's not what you're trying to do...