Thanks Ascension - although to be fair you can probably take credit yourself for the good bits in that map. It's really opened up a few new options for me seeing the way you used lighting effects to generate the terrain 'bumps', I'll be having a look through your mountain tutorial next - I'd like to reduce the randomness a bit on my next attempt and take control of some of the land features a bit more. When I came to do the rivers I looked for patterns where downslopes would cause water to run but the random nature of the landscape made it difficult to pin down where they would flow. I originally made these landmasses using Fractal World Explorer (By NBOS) so in their natural form they were a bit more logical but I'd modified it a lot so I could export it into Campaign Cartographer 3. CC3 crashes so much that I abandoned it and went back to Photoshop and to be honest it's a more natural environment for me, I know where I am with layers and filters.