thanks Ramah, my 1st attempt took me (after a couple of hours trying to figure out how the basics work) only about 30 mins to draw ( Flash supports pressure-sensitive drawing ). So for my first animation I was pretty pleased But i think if you want to make something really pretty (and a little longer) it would take a lot of time, just like any animation basically The cool thing is that you can split it up in overlaying parts/layers and do small (repeatable) pieces giving great control over the animation. There's also an onion-skin display that work very nice. I agree with Arakish, it's not really suited to create complete websites (esp. maintaining this), but for animation thingies it seems very cool. Also the "programming" language I just looked into can generate some pretty cool effects with just a few lines of code. I'm actually thinking of creating a map as an animation.... hmm well... when I have time .. want more time in a day! cheers!