$7 is reasonable, but in some marketing courses I took a while back, we learnt that when marketing things, people like to think in round numbers, and easily computed numbers. 7 is not really a round number, nor is it easily computed. 5 on the other hand is oddly enough, a nice round number, easily computed (i.e. every can count by 5's but most of us cannot count by 7's), and as a result 5 is mor appealing than 7.

Now, i don't have enough data from your site to determine costs of similar products and what one gets for them, and that brings in a lot of other variables. Are similar packages available and what does one pay for them? An example wuld be the Profantasy Annual which is around $30 for a year's subscription, and in the course of the year one gets 12 different symbol sets/map sets, etc. so the cost of that is approximiately $3 per symbol set etc.

Again, just some thoughts.