OK, the first thing I see, is some of the mountains that should be 'behind' other mountains are actually in front of them. CC3 works by placing symbols in a TOP -> DOWN/BACK -> FRONT order. To do this quickly, simply FREEZE all layers but the MOUNTAINS layer (where the SYMBOLS for the Mountains should be located. Then from the drop down menus select SYMBOLS -> SORT SYMBOLS IN MAP, then select all the mountains and choose OK. This will allow the software to place the symbols in the TOP -> DOWN/BACK -> FRONT order.

To make you rivers (and lake if you want) more curvy and less straight, Right click on the FRACTALISE symbol (located on left side toolbar, shows a STRAIGHT LINE to JAGGED LINE) and select the STRAIGHT TO CURVED option. Then select you rivers and select OK. This make them more rounded and not a bounch of straight lines.

For more info on SHEETS and LAYERS chec his link: http://www.cartographersguild.com/sh...highlight=sort