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Thread: Saelestria, Any feedback?

  1. #1
    Guild Novice everydayj's Avatar
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    Default Saelestria, Any feedback?

    I'm a rookie here, and I've been working on this map off and on for a bit using a couple of very nice tutorials. I'm aware that I need to likely do something in order to make the text stand out, as well as possibly increase the size, but I'm also looking for some feedback on everything else. Thoughts? Suggestions?
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  2. #2


    Looks good for a first map! A few things you might try:

    - put a white stroke around your text and town symbols (using layer styles)
    - possibly change the font as it's a little hard to read
    - add some soft texture to the ocean
    - use the same layer style for lakes as you did for rivers
    - spice the terrain up with some additional hues/colours
    - the texture you're using for the green grassy lands has a lot of straight lines in it. possibly change it to something more random?

  3. #3
    Guild Novice everydayj's Avatar
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    Thanks for the suggestions. While I normally use PS for any graphics related work, I gave GIMP a go based on the tutorials present. While I did go through a tutorial on providing some texture to the ocean, it didn't come out quite the way that I would have liked it to.

    The map is still definitely a work in progress. I'm planning on adding a marsh up near the mountain range between the two rivers, as well as other textures on the continent itself. I just haven't figured out which ones to add! I've changed up the layer style for the lakes to hopefully match that of the rivers per your suggestion.

    As far as the terrain having straight lines in it, I used a cloud layer in order to form the grass texture. Are you suggesting that I randomize the grass again and pay more attention to possible straight lines? I'm a bit confused on that one.
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    Last edited by everydayj; 10-19-2010 at 05:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Guild Artisan geamon's Avatar
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    If this is with gimp have tried looking at layer modes? it's a nice way of applying textures to lower layers, mix that with layer masking and you can get some pretty nice results. Unsure if that helps. Not sure on your familiarity with the software but if you aren't familiar with masks check this tutorial out. Also I can throw a PDF together to show you some example of the layer modes so you can get a better idea how they work (haven't seen tutorial for the modes yet).
    Cheers, Julien

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  5. #5
    Guild Novice everydayj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by geamon View Post
    If this is with gimp have tried looking at layer modes? it's a nice way of applying textures to lower layers, mix that with layer masking and you can get some pretty nice results. Unsure if that helps. Not sure on your familiarity with the software but if you aren't familiar with masks check this tutorial out. Also I can throw a PDF together to show you some example of the layer modes so you can get a better idea how they work (haven't seen tutorial for the modes yet).
    I have a cursory understanding of both layer modes and masks, but admittedly, it's cursory, at best. I'm looking at the tutorial and that stuff seems helpful, but I'm curious if you have any specific suggestions regarding layer modes in mind?

    Per the post right above yours, I've added a swamp recently, added some names with some outer glow just to see what they'd look like, added a smaller glow to the roads to ensure that they show through the forest, and I'm likely going to end up trying to change up the terrains/colors on the main part of the body, as well. I'm thinking that I'll use a smaller outer glow on the text, as well.

  6. #6
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    I like the forests. The sea seems a bit flat compared to the land. With that must texture on the land, I'd texture the sea as well. The mountains feel a bit unnatural to me. Maybe add some irregularity so that the ridge line of the main range doesn't form such a smooth arc. Your river system is... unnatural. See for the basic law on rivers.

  7. #7
    Guild Novice everydayj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rdanhenry View Post
    I like the forests. The sea seems a bit flat compared to the land. With that must texture on the land, I'd texture the sea as well. The mountains feel a bit unnatural to me. Maybe add some irregularity so that the ridge line of the main range doesn't form such a smooth arc. Your river system is... unnatural. See for the basic law on rivers.
    I definitely agree that the sea appears to be really flat. I"m hopefully going to have time to work on that part tonight. I also agree with the mountain ridges. I wanted it to have more separated peaks, but it seems to have developed a spine which I'm not overly fond of. Agree on the rivers, as well, and I think I meant to change that awhile back after reading that article, but absolutely forgot to. Thanks for the input and providing the great link again.

  8. #8
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    It looks like the rivers may be colossal in width. You don't have a scale yet but they do look pretty large compared to the mountains. If those are some huge mountains you might want to think about narrowing the rivers. I love your snow capped mountains.
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  9. #9
    Guild Novice everydayj's Avatar
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    Made some changes so that the rivers made more sense, worked on the lighting with the mountains a bit. You like the changes? Rivers make more sense?

    Obviously, the water texturing and the naming of the remainder of the towns is yet to come. Still trying to figure out a good way to add some diversity to the coloration, though.
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  10. #10
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Your improvements are terrific. The text is better and the rivers are much better too. The best thing for getting diversity of color is to look at some google satellite maps and see what goes on in the land areas. Some rep for this one...

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