@geamon: Reducing the grid opacity is a pretty good idea. It's already slightly transparent but I'll back it off some more, because it does obscure some detail. Yeah, the title is a request from the client. It could maybe be smaller though.

@SG: Definitely could use some more shadows. Thanks.

The hills are a combination of "bevel and emboss" layer styles applied to the shapes of each of the contours and combined and layers that shade the various levels progressively lighter as they go up in height. I think the bevels are a little too start at this point, so I want to knock them back some and maybe sketch in some details that provide an indication of height change without the neatly beveled edges.

The brushy areas are a bit too leafy and green so I'm going to work on them some more. I'd like them to be more like the brambles Tolkien described in Mordor in LotR. I think adding additional scattered groundcover will reduce their stark appearance a bit as well.

I see now, by the cold light of morning, that the riverbed is way too defined...even though I tried to knock it down into the dirt a little bit. I'll have to do some more futzing with the layer mask that I'm using to hide/expose the rocks.

Thanks for the feedback, guys.