No, that's actually a good point. I'll run it past our military expert. Secondary roads trough Midgard are actually very large high quality toll roads build for merchant charts and paddle-back horses. But militairy roads would not be payed for with toll. We will probably add another layer of military roads to the final version.

Is there anyone who could give me a few pointers on how to get glaciers to rivers right? At this point my method for drawing the claciers will be:
1. Determine in between which height lines I will draw claciers and in between wich height lines I don't based on the wind direction (and thus steepness of the mountainside)
2. Draw claciers starting as thick as the snowline, quickly shrinking to about 1/3 of the smallest width between the two heightlines and from twice to four and rarely five times the length of the peak to the snow line.
3. Draw the claciers gracefully flowing and curving following the height lines parallel.

Any more pointers? Going to do this next week sometime.