Quote Originally Posted by geamon View Post
Before I continue did you want any textures involved or just draw objects in black. Also if you don't mind me asking why no color if this is being distributed in a pdf file format. Is adding plantations to the farms acceptable? Usually farms have more then one building is it also acceptable to go with more then one building per farmstead? Also did you want any type of body of water in the village?
first of all, thanks for the help!

well, i must confess i didnt realize about the pdf stuff, but since im prefere the early 80's d&d look, most inside material were monochromatic, but its not writen in stone
You dont have to do textures, just the objects in black would be great!

the plantation is a must have, sorry if i couldnt make myself clearer (my poor english gets me sometimes ). so, "yes" for plantations and for buildings.

the adventure is for begginers, and its a specific hack'n'slash adventure, so they will not adventure so much in the village. BUT, a DM could like the setting and make stuff by himself, so it would be nice to have those details you talked about.

about the water, i would ask to you not to do a "stream" or something. just a lake would do fine, since my last adventure had this body of water crossing the village, i didnt want to get a similar looking village.
it may be silly of my, but i hope you understand.

please ask any more questions you want, ok?
