Thanks for all the encouragement and advice. I can definitely see how using the glow would help the labels stand out. I was so focused on trying to fade all the background images to assist the labels that I didn't think of changing the labels themselves to make them pop out.

Yes, jb, you are absolutely right about the problems with the Melanrike label. I was trying to have it represent an empire that only controls the central lands in the vicinity of the lake, but the label is difficult to read and could just as easily be interpreted as the name of the lake itself. The "treatise on label placement" you pointed to is an excellent resource, though definitely not light reading. I have several examples of "signature" labels where I should have had "titles", and lots of labels crossing lines and shades. I think I was just so eager to finish that I put the least amount of thought into the label area. That, and I couldn't figure out how to curve text in GIMP, though it seemed like there should be a way. It was too advanced for me to figure out on my first map.

There is so much to learn, but keep posting it all out here for those of us eager for this kind of information. Thanks again for the tips!